Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Landen is dead

Osama Bin Landen is dead! Something I want to remember when I return to this day months or even years from now.

I first got wind of it from the breaking news service. Then everyone seems to be announcing it.

 I bet the terrorists are now all out for revenge. I hope they will so emotional over this that they do a series of stupid things.

In the end, the real enemy is ideological. Only their chief icon is destroyed, but the danger remains.

So that supposedly fearless warrior died as a coward using one of his wives as a human shield. Call yourself a man Osama, much less a Muslim! You were chicken and may all your followers come to know this fact!

In the end how he had died is far more important than he had died. And looked at how he was living it up, which I can safely guess most of his deprived followers have no inkling of. He had conned all of them.

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