Thursday, June 2, 2011

Book Fair @ Suntec City

Visited the book fair at Suntec City yesterday in the early evening with the kids. So quiet, so few visitors. Bought two books from Asiapac. We have a ton of them at home collected over the years. I started buying them before the kids arrived and they have continued the tradition since they were old enough to read. I am totally out of touch with so many titles that they have accumulated over the years.

They added a Genghis Khan title and one on the Eight Immortals to the collection last night.

Would be hard to persuade me to buy paper books for myself. I am into ebooks now. So much easier to store and manage, but not without the risk of providers failing you. So you gotta figure a way to remove the DRMs to protect your investments.

This over sized stall at the fair reminded us of our stay in that country. Living in the Middle East where you need a Plan B or even a Plan C for so many things, and discovering that Singapore's conveniences hasn't spoilt us. Like in SG, we didn't have a FDW (foreign domestic worker) when we were living there.

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