Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dreams: Do you act on them?

I have some friends who believe very much in dreams. I usually do not put much store by them. Today one wrote on facebook "梦见已故同事要我慰问他年老爱妻,我应该迷信"

One friend suggested follow your heart. I added by "打听" to see if it is appropriate as the outcome might fall either way.

I recently also have some vague dreams. Usually the most vivid dreams are absurd like those Pharaoh told Joseph or worse. For a few days, I get this feeling that the "Channel of grace" is coming to and end. After four years of painful work, it was gracious of the Lord to prepare me for this. In particular he informs us of some of his mysterious ways in the story of John the Baptist.

John's story first hit home with me about four years ago in the book, "Finishing Well". It has always stayed with me, which on many occasions I mentioned to my kids in our Sunday evening discussions. But when at the right time I read "Prisoner in the Third Cell" it became a big story and relevance for me. The timing was uncanny. They helped me to prepare for the end of a journey and to resolve some very difficult and old theological questions. I had learned from John White never give up on those questions even if it takes years.

"And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me".

I do not take offence. I believe. I realized I always have but I didn't know that I do. Such was the magnificent grace of the Lord. He decides as per his sovereignty. I have a new and deeper understanding of hell. A kind of understanding and not understanding. A knowledge that there are others like me who also feel the same but we will not discuss it. It is a gift. It will be opened in Revelation time. I have not done so, but if I will to turn to Revelation, something tells me there will be hints on offer there. I am going to leave it alone and stayed focused on the present. To me that is the right and unusual attitude because as a congenital scenarist, pondering the outlines of tomorrow is second nature to me.

It isn't just knowledge. It is a gift. It was also a test of how valuable is that buried treasure in the field. Now I am completely sure I did not fail. Just as those Jews who could give up the Temple and the Tabernacle for the God that was behind it all; do not love the wrong things.

Two people, one experience. The litmus test was Pride. Never seen it up so close how deadly Pride is. It will set up it own moral code and if it has the power recreate the universe in its evil intent. With a clearer faith, I am surer where my late dad might have gone to. Because when he gave up his pride, love took over. The sort that waits, the sort I am increasingly familiar with. The love which Desmond Tutu declared, "God is not a Christian" The same one that got Mother Teresa labelled as a false prophet destined for hell by some quarters in Christendom - the dangerous folks who might ignite a "holy" crusade sometime.

Nitcharee is from a Buddhist family. The God who cannot be labelled or put in a box; answered his own prayer for her so that I might lived the big No I didn't know was coming. You see, a No answer logically could come from a dead god or one who does not exists. A convincing and surprising Yes is an affirmation of his existence.

We shall be utterly surprised how Christ will unite everything to himself eventually.

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