Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mckinsey vs the PAP

I am about a third into this book, "the Lords of Strategy", which has taken me past the story at Mckinsey. I am writing this after emailing my ex boss, using it as an example to compare the PAP wth Mckinsey.

At the moment, to me, the two organizations more different than alike. Mckinsey is more meritocratic because it doesn't suffer the impediment of preserving status or the 'face' of key people. There are similar reasons and roots why the Americans could have a black President in Obama and we are not confident to have a minority race PM.

Having said so, we are we, and the Americans are they. We cannot be each other however we can over time assimilate their positives just as they can ours. At the minimum, we must remain open and have faith that the positives would be picked up by each other.

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