Thursday, October 20, 2011

PAP vs WP: Your narrative or mine?

Li Xueying has written a good discussion of Chen Show Mao's maiden speech in parliament. The speech in CL is also available at the WP website. It must have won him many fans from the older generation Chinese speakers.

A friend of a friend who knew CSM remarked that he is kinda of idealist. This is diametrically opposed to the ever realist LKY.

If we all put on our best behavior for as long as possible. If we give the other person the benefit of the doubt, and that this is in turn reciprocated. We can do it. This is after all, the Golden Rule. But will we? I think so. I hope so. But not indefinitely. This good situation must be constantly fought for. It is unnatural in the sense that it is very rare. How many emperors were like Tang Taizong and how often in their court there is a Wei Zhen. Chinese history is long, spanning thousands of years, and you can only find a few.

Let's raise the level of play shall we. Let's assume this cannot last and therefore work hard, take no liberties that it will. Let's be exceptional. Elsewhere they can't even begin to try this.

1 comment:

  1. The key point is the political choice the people have. The people must be able to change the government in a democracy. CSM is no LKY. The latter knows nothing about Chinese culture and history but pretended he know so there is the so-called Asian Value. CSM can tell you what Asian Value or Confucius ideology is. LKY is not real Chinese in terms of his education, background, culture and thinking. How could someone really understand Chinese culture through only reading English translated Chinese stuff? LKY is just a opportunist. Remember his anti-communism in the past and yet recently he said Singapore system is similar to China communist system. How many people know that PAP youth are and will be trained by the China communist youth wing? Do you know our minister Cow even lead a team of PAP to visit the China communist party?
