Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Purple Rope: Trivializing Grace

I came back from buying lunch and saw that my daughter's had taken out her guitar, but lunch first. Afterward with NatGeo program on Alexander the Great finished, I took the guitar to toy with. I strummed to several oldies which they don't play in Church much or at all any more and then I decided to try "A Purple Rope", except that there was a problem. I can't remember half the lyrics and my chords were a mess. I went to look for it on YouTube, which I was never successful. However I have learned that with the Web, patience is a virtue. Someone will eventually put it up. Yes, today I discovered someone had indeed :-)

This is the Gospel of Grace. Today that grace is taken for granted in our hospitals and we even claim to have discovered and owned it; but for our inner life, relationships and mind problems it has graciously been made available until in the guise of science we claim it as ours sometime. This humble grace is just beyond imagination, but never take it for granted or trivialize it. It would be too costly to repay.

This grace is too overwhelming and the only way to welcome it is to be it. It is patient and paradoxically futile to resist. Of course I don't know what I am talking about. It is just beyond me. You cannot hold it in your head, it has to be lived. Then like Moses burning bush, your Bible will catch fire but not consumed.

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