Monday, October 7, 2013

The elites (read rich) just care less

I just read this opinion piece in the NYT by the famed author of Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman.

Now I can move out of anecdotal support or detractors might label as prejudice to proper science.

Dr. Goleman is pointing out with substantiated research what we the hoi polloi already know because we receive such treatment all the time: our elites (they are all well to do) just care less. Who dares to pick a fight with me that the government until recently lacks empathy. The recent generous displays of empathy, I am not sure if they are real or only for show. I know it is real from some but not from most and certainly not all.

They only care because they need the votes. So our elites are like everywhere else and if they captain the ship of Singapore we must in a matter of time go where we see the other ships go, to places we don't want. Of course if we fail (I refuse to say when) they will blame us. Elites never blame themselves until you have leverage over them - the vote. Experience also informs them that some well inserted apology could get them some votes but it is a trick not to be over used.

I shudder to think that our elites have much but not enough of the brains and little of the heart to successfully run Singapore. America also face the same problem in a more severe form. As they had been there before and are likely even if completely chaotic about it, eventually stumble into workable solutions. For us we are only retarding the rot, e.g., casting a wider net when choosing PSC scholars. Do we know if the rot is eating us up faster than the cure? Or would the cure kill the patient at the same time?


  1. Remember the man who said (with a laugh) that if he could invite 10 more billionaires to stay in Singapore he would? That was deeply troubling at the time and more so now.

  2. The same man who reminds the society to 'shame the free-riders' when details of the free universal healthcare is yet to be announced. HIs DNA is no different from the father. Mistrust the people who are out there to cheat and abuse the system, while calling for your trust in them. So much for their lip service of 'compassionate meritocracy' while they reap and abuse the system internally with no check and balance.

  3. "They only care because they need the votes. So our elites are like everywhere else and if they captain the ship of Singapore we must in a matter of time go where we see the other ships go, to places we don't want. "

    The trick is to make you think that's where you want to go or you are responsible for setting the direction for them to steer the ship towards

    By the time the damages take roots, it will be too late for your vote to undo the damages

    In fact, you will vote for about the same and by another elite team at best
