Sunday, February 8, 2015

Warren Fernandez vs Han Fook Kwang

What a contrast between Warren Fernandez and his predecessor Han Fook Kwang. I told myself sometime back never to read anything from Fernandez again. I broke that rule today because I read some very sharp and negative comments on Facebook about his piece today. I regretted the time wasted reading his article. A minister reading it would have responded, "lucky you are not doing my job, with that attitude you would be looking for another job"

On the other hand Han Fook Kwang's suggestion of taking away all cleaners from our schools and getting the kids to take charge of cleanliness is worthy of further study and trying.


  1. taking the cleaners out of the schools and getting the kids to take charge of cleanliness can only work if the parents have the right mindsets. Imagine the latter getting the maids to go to their children's schools to pick up the broom and mop!!

  2. I fully agree with you and have never read any article written by this bloke. Guess the T is missing.
    The other bloke i dislike is tampines drunken horse.
