Monday, March 19, 2018

Friendship: The one who never left

He is not the only one who ignores me. On my part I usually do not remember either after a day or two. I just do this for each one of them, The majority are more polite and usually return with "Thanks" or "Thank you"

“Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side. ♥”

This has been going on for decades but only this morning I decided to blog about it. The children are now old enough to have made and lost friends at least a few times over. I want to impress upon them to be the one who never left. On this I have told them so many stories. I have even shown my parents' and my wedding photos and asked, how many of these friends have left. 

This is the spirit of the Gospel. 

To be practical sometimes you have to be quite silent because that is how they prefer it. You don't want to be a pest but you always as much as possible try to learn how they are getting on. Occasionally out of the blue one might asked for help and I never said no.

What I said no to are those who wants to meet up socially. I have no time for that. They loved to used such occasions to talk about frivolous nothings, complain or an opportunity for humble bragging.

Update: 9:40 am

Guess what? All the years of patience was worth it. I just got a word of thanks. But even if I do not, I will still keep doing it. It's the spirit of the Gospel. 

1 comment:

  1. ya indeed no time for the frivolous.
    for one day you may need to appreciate your hoseki clock
    and say goodbye to your coffee too.
